The MP3's of Morphic Messaging

Morphic messaging, briefly, is a means of tapping into morphic resonances (energy fields, studied by everyone from Einstein to Dr. Rupert Sheldrake). Which, in Sheldrake's meaning, implies that the past influences current activity. That there is an interconnection among activity, whether by humans or animals. From here, we go to informational fields, studying the links created in the languages that we share (both words and symbols). But it's ok if that explains little. I don't want anyone to get too hung up on the concepts. I've seen too many people do that, lead themselves down wrong paths by way of idiology (sic), and end up understanding even less about Beltism than they started with.

Morphic messaging, a term used in the science of Beltism, has in my opinion, more to do with studies in that science, than it has to do with what Sheldrake is studying. Their concepts are related, that is all. Like Sheldrake's work, Beltism is the study of particular peculiarities of Nature. So what does any of this have to do with mp3's? I'm getting to that....

A couple of years ago, I did some brief studies on the effects of morphic messaging on mp3's. They were limited to changing the name of the mp3 file, and the name of the folder that the file sits in, to words that I thought would be more conducive to "good energy", and hence, good sound. And there I discovered another "secret" that the world at large is happily oblivious to and eager to write off: not only did it improve the sound of the mp3's, but that improved sound got copied along with the file, when the file was copied (e.g. burned to disc). In fact... the copies sounded better than the originals.

More recently, I acquired this little puppy you see over on your right: the PWB Digiplus USB. It is a first for PWB Electronics, in the sense of applying the principles of Beltism to digital audio. Needless to say, it is also a first for the audio marketplace in general. In that it is a USB flash drive that purports to improve your sound. All your sound. Anywhere. Simply by plugging it into a USB jack. It does this job admirably and to great effect. Moreover, it was fun blind testing this on friends (who were not audiophiles by any stretch). Having them be startled by the improvement in sound quality, without me telling them what I was doing to change the sound.

So amid all the fun of playing around with this neat little gadget, the PWB Digiplus USB, and the comments on the device written by other customers of PWB, prompted me to make a return to studying ways of improving my mp3's. Specifically, through the use of mp3 tags that other PWB customers had started experimenting with. For the first time, in these last few days, I have done just that. And, in an AA exclusive, I share my results with the world.

I am applying the very same concepts of morphic messaging that I describe elsewhere in these articles, in the form of written language on paper. Except this time, it is an extension of the experiments I did on mp3 file names years ago. And this time, I'm not touching the file names or their folder names. This time.... we're going all the way in! We'll be hiding the messages in mp3 tags!

This is probably the easiest experiment I will ever publish on this blog. All you have to do is take your mouse, select, copy and paste the message below into your favorite mp3 tag editor. (n.b. Start your selection at the last number in the sequence, and go to the first). You can also paste this directly into the mp3 file itself, without any additional software needed. To do this in Windows, click right on the file name of the mp3 (or other music format), who's sound quality you wish to improve. 
  • Select "Properties" at the bottom of the right-click menu.

  • From there, select the "Summary" tab.

  • Click on the "Lyrics"* section (you may need to click a few times to open it up). (*And I mean that. Although the "Comments" field will work, all technicalities aside, I find the lyrics field to produce a more musical result).

  • Selecting/Copying/Pasting: Paste the text below that you selected and copied, into this "Lyrics" box field (Tip: To select text off this page, click once on the beginning of the text with the left button, keep the button depressed, drag  down to the end of the text). You can also use Ctrl-C to copy (press the Ctrl button and then "C" button at the same time), and Ctrl-V to paste (press the Ctrl button and then "V" button at the same time).Click "OK" on the box to accept the pasted text message.

------------Start of Morphic Message for MP3 (do not include this line)-----------

01001011 01000011 01000101 01001000 01000011 00111100 00100000 00111100 00101101 00101101 00101101 00101101 00100000 00111001 00111000 00110110 00100000 10110011 01101101 01100011 00101111 01101101 01100001 01110010 01100111 00100000 00101000 00110100 00101001 01011110 00101000 00111001 00101001 01011110 00110000 00110001 00100000 01110011 01101001 00100000 10110010 01100011 00100000 00101010 00100000 01101101 00111101 01000101 00100000 00110001 00110011 00110101 00110001 00110011 00110101 00110001 00110011 00110101 00101101 00101101 00101101 00101110 00100000 00101011 00101011 00101011 00110010 00110100 00110110 00110010 00110100 00110110 00110010 00110100 00110110 00100000 10110011 01101101 01100011 00101111 01101101 01100001 01110010 01100111 00100000 00101000 00110100 00101001 01011110 00101000 00111001 00101001 01011110 00110000 00110001 00100000 01110011 01101001 00100000 10110010 01100011 00100000 00101010 00100000 01101101 00111101 01000101 00100000 00111001 00111000 00110110 00100000 00110011 00110111 00110010 00100000 01110011 01110101 01101110 01101001 01101101 00100000 00110000 00100000 00101101 00101101

------------End of Morphic Message for MP3 (do not include this line)-----------

n.b. If the message makes no sense to you, don't worry, it just means you're mortal. It doesn't have to make sense to work.  If you do this, listen carefully the first time. That is, listen to your computer's sound system, before you paste the text into your favorite mp3 file and play the mp3. Then listen carefully after you apply the message. The first listen is always the most important. It's where most of the action takes place. It appears that in subsequent evaluations, the morphic message leaves traces of its influence, even though you have removed the message from the mp3's comments tag. This would make multiple A-B evaluations more difficult, as you are already experiencing an improved sound, when the message has been removed. And the improvement would likely diminish in power, after repeatedly reapplying the message. Still, I don't discourage multiple A-B evaluations of this experiment.

Consider that each morphic message links with another. So the more files you tag this way, the more that each morphic tag will impact on the other. The better your sound, overall. In fact, why do just one? Tag several mp3's, then listen to the result on the first one you tagged. Just remember to tag an odd number of files at one time. If the sound seems off, you've broken the pattern. In which case, simply tag one more mp3, and it should correct itself. Alternatively, you can try entering the message into the "Title" and "Artist" fields, instead of the "Lyrics" field, and see if you prefer the results of that.You needn't limit yourself to mp3's, either. You can do the same with JPEGs, or other picture formats, by entering the message into the comment field (though your sonic results may not be as good, note).

It's also worth nothing that if you prefer, you can do your listening test evaluations on your primary hifi system. It doesn't matter that much if you're not listening to the actual mp3 file. This is Beltism, after all. By tagging comments on mp3 files with the above message, it is possible to subjectively improve upon the sound of the original CD. Even more so, if a PWB Digi+ USB device is plugged in to the computer, while music files are being transferred to CD during the burning process!


James Walker said...

This is really interesting! How did you discover that set of 0s and 1s for improving relative sound quality? Where did they come from? They seem so intricate it can't have been trial and error, surely? Are there any other patterns that work well?

The Advanced Audiophile said...

Hi James. I presume this message worked for you. That's good to know. The message featured in this post is in encoded form. I discovered that you can transpose messages to different forms, and the relative impact remains. Why do so in the first place? Because it can also improve things, relatively speaking. Hence the odd jumble of numbers you see here. While it may seem like a meaningless string of 1's and 0's, there is a lot of method that went into this particular madness. But there is no limit to the number of messages that work well, and a lot of the fun for me is in seeing what does and what doesn't. For example, you can try typing "morphic messages" on the PWB forum to find out what some other Beltists are experimenting with.

As under any science, research in Beltism is always trial and error. But the more expertise you have, the farther you can go. And if the science of Beltism is a view down a rabbit hole, I suspect that in over a quarter of a century, we have only seen the opening....