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The results of a study on how volcanic gas may have been played a role in building up peptides was published in the Oct. 8 2004 issue of the journal "Science". Which suggests the  theory that life on earth arose near underwater volcanic vents (which to this day supports thriving, self-contained ecosystems). Another pointer to the origins of our existence on earth, is that the mineral composition of modern animals, including us, is similar to that of ancient multi-cellular organisms, which originated in the sea. Thus, we can deduce that animals, and life in general, evolved from the sea. In this stage of life on earth that we would have eventually evolved from, long before hominid form, long before we would have developed eyes, ears, a mouth, or any of these high level senses, there must have been a way for such primitive life to communicate in order to survive. In order to eventually evolve into what would resemble the human species. e.g. In order to warn of danger or predators, and live long enough to evolve. So as some plants communicate with each other (via chemicals), at the beginning of our evolution on this planet, we must have communicated through means other than the five senses we now use as humans.

The working hypothesis behind Beltism, in the utmost simplest of terms, posits that this means of communication has never left us, throughout the entire evolution of life on this planet. That it is coded in our genetic make-up, if you will. That we are still communicating with our environment around us, via extra-sensory means. Although as humans, we have long since evolved beyond the necessity of requiring this means of communication, on a deeper level, we haven't. We are still trying to make sense of our environment on this level. And in a sense, our environment is communicating back to us, in the idea that we are sensitive to unseen energy fields that are picked up by this extra-sensory perception. Which affect known sensory perception via an increase or reduction of stress that allows the organism to relax or tense up, thus improving or degrading our senses all the time, in minute ways that we do not normally make effort to be conscious of.

The experiments detailed on this blog are basically small opportunities to make both an effort to change the characteristic of the energy fields present in our environment (hopefully for something we are more amenable to), and to become conscious of the changes through careful listening tests. n.b. If you do not attempt to change anything about this energy field, either for the worse or for the better, you will not know it's there as you have nothing to compare it to, and there is as yet no known way of measuring it in purely objective terms. In the same sense, you may not be aware of the presence of light, if you have never become aware of the dark.

I go a bit deeper on the hypothesis behind Beltism on my website. Likewise, Peter Belt goes into it some on his. I have always said the best way to understand it, is not to try to understand it. Simply, to try to perceive it by careful experimenting and careful listening. It all makes much more sense if that can be accomplished.

"People have investigated the modern world a lot. But people didn't pay attention to the investigation of the human body. And the result of it is 1% of knowledge on the human abilities. So, maybe your body also keeps strange secrets. And maybe these secrets will demonstrate themselves in certain situations. " - "Mysteries of the human organism"

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Ringo said...

Thanks for dropping me a line on my blog. A similar subject was tackled by Hi-Fi World back in 1995 when they reviewed Shadows of the Mind by Roger Penrose.
How we hear and see - i.e. the limits of our auditory and visual perception - might have a roots in how we "evolve" on this planet. I just hope that this particular post won't become a bully pulpit for "creationist" who doesn't believe in such things.